Elena's health

Elena is a strong, fast, agile and muscular dog and until now she has not been ill. These are the results of the compulsory and non-compulsory health tests for dogs used for breeding:


HD (Hipdysplasia): A *

PRA/Cataract : free

   (most recent test: 10 October 2012)

JE (Juvenile Epilepsy) : free (-/-)

LSD (Lysosomale Storage Disorder): free (-/-)


* Not just Elena herself but also both her parents and all four grandparents have been tested for HD and all have been classified as "A". Four out of eight of her great-grandparents have been tested as well (3 A and 1 B) (see details under "Elena's pedigree").



Elena has a good, strong and complete set of teeth. As a youngster she had a reverse scissor bite. This is acceptable according to the breed standard. Since adulthood she has a pincer bite. Both scissor and pincer bite are in accordance with the breed standard.