Lagotto Romagnolo

Here you will find some information about the Lagotto Romagnolo, also known as Italian Waterdog or Italian Truffeldog. On the website of the LRCN (Lagotto Romagnolo Club Nederland) you will find further information about the breed.


Why a Lagotto Romagnolo?

Which breed or type of dog suits you is very personal. In general the Lagotto Romagnolo is an intelligent, affectionate, cheerful, healthy and energetic dog with a sensitive nature. Some people who are allergic to dogs might not get such reaction with a dog with a non-shedding coat like the Lagotto Romagnolo. Naturally you need to find out before you bring a Lagotto into your home for example by visiting people who have no other pets besides the Lagotto. At the moment we do not have other pets, so by arrangement you are welcome to visit us for a test-cuddle with our Elena.


Why not a Lagotto Romagnolo?

In general the Lagotto Romagnolo is very social and people-oriented and will therefore thrive in many families. He feels most at home in a stable environment with undisputable boundaries and rules and a balanced adult to guide him. Plenty of exercise, sufficient attention and an extensive socialisation are equally important. Consistent upbringing based on natural authority and rewarding of desired behaviour, preventing undesired behaviour, mutual respect, compassion with its sensitive nature and a good sense of humor will result in a happy, level-headed and loyal companion. If you cannot offer this, the Lagotto Romagnolo might not be the best choice for you.